Portuguese youth, local labour market and entrepreneurship education of NEETs – EKS project report

Majority of European countries struggle with a significant level of young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs). Similarly, to majority of EU countries, Portugal recognizes existence of a significant group of NEETs – young people, 15 to 29 years old, not in employment, education, or training, as an issue negatively impacting economic and social development.
To support the vulnerable group, the strategic partnership of EKS project is developing an online scenario-based game to build their entrepreneurial skills. To better understand the target group and the different challenges encountered by youth across regions, the initial development phase has focused on analysing situation of young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) and their access to support measures within the national social and educational systems.
The Portuguese EKS_NEETs report highlights the significant negative impact of geographical barriers on the ability of Portuguese young adults to effectively integrate into the labour market. It suggests high importance of entrepreneurship and of the access to entrepreneurship education especially out of major metropolitan areas. The specific character of the Portuguese labour market presents possibly higher relevance of distant learning solutions in the area of entrepreneurship for tackling gaps in entrepreneurship education then in the majority of EU regions.
For more information and the consolidated international report follow the EKS project:
The project is financed under the Erasmus+ Programme. Project number – 2018-1-RO01-KA204-049514