Engage Learning Teaching and Training Activities

Learning and training – dedicated to exchange of knowledge and practices week brings us one step closer to finalising the Engage platform providing training in future oriented skills and matching portal for connecting skills and labour market needs.
Following an intensive period of contents development, the Engage project team met in Livorno between 15th and 19th of October to exchange knowledge and practices and work on improvements to initial training contents. The week of working sessions marks an initiation of internal testing phase for IO1 after which the results will be available for testing by our stakeholders.
During the meeting we had opportunity to take advantage and exchange practices regarding matching portals during a presentation of Regione Toscana portal for job demand and supply matching. It allowed us to obtain insights into the specific limitations of current solutions and the stakeholder challenges. Engagement of the Toscany Region in the discussion on the Engage matching portal development provided us with important practical pointers to be incorporated in the final shape of Matching Portal.
Following the training phase the Engage project is moving into internal testing phase after which the results will be available for testing by our stakeholders. For more details see https://engage.erasmus.site/ .