Development of Virtual Integrated Start-ups Ecosystem

VISE is a new transnational Erasmus+ funded project aiming at development of Virtual Integrated Start-ups Ecosystem. Within this initiative E&D Knowledge Consulting, as a part of VISE strategic partnership, will work on the development of online environment in which European start-uppers and wannabe entrepreneurs can test and develop the most critical entrepreneurial skills they are lacking.
The project will cover:
1/ international study of current entrepreneurial skills of the target group according to the current Entrepreneurship Competence Framework,
2/ development of integrated tool for individual diagnosis of the users competences and corresponding to the diagnostic results upskilling plan and,
3/ online tools for start-uppers and wannabe entrepreneurs to advance their level of critical for entrepreneurial success competences.
The Virtual Integrated Start-ups Ecosystem will provide entrepreneurs development opportunities within 3 areas:
1/ Area “Ideas and opportunities”, competences: spotting opportunities, creativity, vision, valuing ideas, ethical and sustainable thinking,
2/ Area “Resources”, competences: self-awareness and self-efficacy, motivation and perseverance, mobilising resources, financial and economic literacy, mobilising others,
3/ Area “Into action”, competences: taking initiative, planning and management, coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk, working with others, learning through experience.
To get updated information about VISE project check our updates at E&D website and our FB page –